Lifestyle / February, 21st, 2019
Most like me
Two places, where I feel most like me, are in my studio and in the water.
When I was twelve, I was scouted at one of my weekly swimming lessons. A coach from the regional swim team spoke to my mother and told her that he saw potential. I was a little shocked when my mother asked me if I was interested in trying out. What? Swim on a team? Like competitively? You see, I never considered myself a great swimmer. Only a few years prior I had this debilitating fear of deep water, but despite that fear I eventually jumped in and gave it a shot. Soon enough I was on the team and part of a swim club!
In time, swimming essentially became my life. I was swimming eight times a week, morning and night, before school and after school, with competitive meets on the weekend. My coach was strict and instilled in me an abundance of self-discipline. Although it was never easy, I swam competitively for many years and almost made it to the national level!
Today, it remains an important part of who I am.
I still swim a couple times a week and when I’m in the water, it’s as though I can feel my essence. While I'm swimming, I feel strong, confident and free of judgment; perfectly centered and balanced. I feel like no one else but ME.
Who knows, maybe I was a mermaid in a previous life? Hehehe.
But no seriously...
If you haven't already, do yourself a favour - discover where YOU feel most like yourself and try your hardest to spend more of your time there.

Much love, Cristina D.